Smallmouth Bass

Smallmouth Bass
Lake Erie from Buffalo to Barcelona – is the best Trophy Smallmouth Bass fishing around. I practice Catch and Release only on my boat. We fish with very light tackle, live bait and artificial lures. Mid-April thru Mid-June is the best time for the largest bass. However, bass are active all year and are fun to catch anytime. Typically, we fish with the Carolina rig (live or artificial baits), football head tube jigs, or drop shots on structure out in the lake. Bass are out in the lake feeding on gobies, shiners, or crawfish.
All tackle and bait are supplied. However, you are always welcome to bring your own tackle to use on board.
2022 Fishing Forecast Lake Erie
April The expected start of the 2022 fishing season will be the first week of April, 2022. I do not expect Lake Erie to freeze this year. We have a double-dip La Nina this year and normally Lake Erie does not freeze when we have a La Nina. If possible, I will begin...